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Writer's pictureCallie King-Stevens

All About Making Honey

Hello everyone! It has been far too long since I have published anything on here. Between school, family, and a global pandemic I have been pretty busy. I wanted to reintroduce myself and give you a little overview of what you should expect on this page.

Who Am I?

I am Callie. I am just about to finish my last semester of my undergraduate degree in English and communication at Southern Utah University. I am 22 and married to my best friend Parker.

I love all things yellow, including bees and sunflowers. I also love to write and share my opinions and perspectives which is what I will be doing here.

My Beliefs

Here at Making Honey I am not going to shy away from talking about things I believe in. I have many political and religious beliefs that I hold very dear to my heart. I am never going to be opposed to civil discussions on my beliefs and am always willing to hear the other side and change my mind on things if I am convinced that there is a better way of thinking.

However, I will set a boundary that if we cannot have healthy conversations about topics or I feel my personal beliefs are being attacked and ridiculed (as in you are not willing to listen to my side) I will not engage in the conversation any longer and may no longer feel comfortable having conversations about my beliefs.

This is my space to share my opinions, perspectives, etc. and they are mine only. They never should be taken as the beliefs or opinions of other organizations or groups I am a part of.


As far as my political beliefs are concerned, I would consider myself left leaning.

I will be writing about my thoughts and feelings on different political topics. As a reminder these are my opinions and you are free to disagree, but I do not tolerate personal attacks.


I am a religious person. I consider myself to be a Christian and am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I served a mission for my church in Brazil.

Some would consider me less of an orthodox member because of some of my beliefs, but I hold my religious belief system very close to my heart. I also wish there were things that culturally my religion did differently.

God and religion will probably find their way into many of my blog posts.


While I am a fairly healthy person, I have also had health challenges, both physical and mental. I am also married to someone starting medical school very quickly. My posts will likely touch on topics of health issues. These may include my struggles with endometriosis or more mental based struggles such as anxiety and depression.

I am a huge advocate of therapy if you feel like it would benefit you. I may discuss some of my experiences with therapy.


I love my family. I come from a family where I have many aunts, uncles and cousins. My family only grew bigger when I got married.

I may discuss my immediate family which include me, Parker and our pet hedgehog Prickles.

Other posts may discuss my relationship with my more extended family: siblings, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even my parents.

Family is huge for me, and I love to share about my love for my people.


I tend to be a pretty optimistic person, so even when I talk about more negative topics, I am likely to 'make some honey' out of the bad and find positivity and sweetness. Hence, the blog being named Making Honey.

If this felt like the place for you after reading all of this... welcome! I am so happy to have you here and know there is someone on the other side reading all my ramblings. I hope we can "make honey" together by reflecting on the good and the bad of life.



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