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Writer's pictureCallie King-Stevens

A Mormon Feminists Top 5 Free Online Resources For "Prog-Mos" or Liberal Latter-Day Saints

A white temple behind a light blue background and pink text behind a white background that reads "A Mormon Feminists Top 5 Free Online Resources For "Prog-Mos" or Liberal Latter-Day Saints"
My top 5 online resources for managing a faith journey

As a Mormon or Latter-Day Saint or member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, if you will I have struggled with my identity in my religion amidst my feminist awakening and advocacy for more liberal politics. Over my faith journey I have fortunately found some really amazing resources online in the form of podcasts and social media accounts. These have helped me to find the optimistic sides of religion and politics so that I could continue to live positively in both of my belief systems.

1. "The Faithful Feminists" Podcast and Instagram

When I started going through my faith crises, a big part of it came down to my identity as a feminist. Luckily, I found the most amazing podcast and later the Instagram account of The Faithful Feminists. This podcast goes through the weekly LDS Come Follow Me lessons through a feminist lens. The hosts Channing and Elise do a great job at offering feminist interpretations to Mormon scripture and gospel topics.

Find episodes to their podcast on Spotify and follow them on Instagram.

2. "At Last She Said It" Podcast

Cynthia and Susan are two middle-aged women who have been raised in Mormonism and are coming forward to speak about their experience as Latter-Day Saint women in their podcast "At Last She Said It". I have loved feeling validated in my concerns about culture and gospel as these women speak about their own concerns, experiences, and ways of fighting back against patriarchy.

Find all their amazing podcast episodes on Spotify. You can also find them on Instagram.

3. "Beyond The Block" Podcast and Social Media

"Beyond the Block" is similar to "The Faithful Feminists" as they also discuss Come Follow Me lessons for the week. The hosts Brother Jones and Brother Knox are a Black life-long member and a gay convert to the church. They discuss gospel and scripture using their background in academic theology and interpret their messages through the lens of liberation.

You can follow them on Instagram and Twitter and listen to episodes of the podcast on Spotify.

4. Rosie Card's Instagram

Rosie Card is a Salt Lake City based business owner. She is also a life-long member of the church and worked as a model in her youth. She has amazing discussions about Mormon culture, gospel dissonance, and liberal politics on her Instagram. She also sells temple dresses and adorable, modest clothing.

Follow her on Instagram and check out her two shops Q.Noor and CardWear. She also has a podcast you can find on Spotify.

5. Dr. Julie Hanks

LDS therapist Dr. Julie Hanks has an amazing podcast and Instagram page where she deconstructs shame and how to approach your faith journey through therapeutic practices. She does an amazing job of distinguishing culture from doctrine and guiding members through faith crises, especially women.

Follow her on Instagram and listen to her podcast on Spotify.

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